Advanced Erosion Solutions LLC

Have an erosion-related question? We have the answer. Check out these FAQs and give us a call today for more information!

  • Can you hydroseed over dead grass?

    You can, yes, but hydroseeding companies will tell you that it won't be as effective. The seed needs to reach and bond with the soil. Hydroseeding over dead grass usually places the seed on top of existing vegetation and will struggle to root into the soil. 

  • Do you do free estimates?

    As one of the top hydroseeding companies, we offer free estimates!

  • Do I need to prepare my area before you come hydroseed?

    You can prepare the area or we can provide soil preparation services for a fee. Soil preparation is simply preparing the dirt for a suitable seedbed. This does not include any changes to the finish grade/elevations. As one of the best hydroseeding companies in the area, contact our team with any questions about preparation.

  • Will hydroseeding produce grass anywhere, like hills or sunless areas?

    To a point, yes. We can have custom blends of grass seed made for many different applications. Being one of the top hydroseeding companies, we can also use more specialized hydromulches for slope/hillside applications.

  • Are there any guarantees for getting grass?

    In short, no. Grass is a living plant, and all living plants require sunlight and adequate moisture. If the area isn't irrigated, or able to be temporarily irrigated, the grass seed will be reliant on mother nature. Hydroseeding companies will tell you that if the area is experiencing lower or higher levels of natural rainfall, this will directly affect the hydroseeding results.

  • How quickly will I see grass growing?

    This is dependent on what type of grass we will be planting. Typical germination for fescues is around 21 days with adequate soil temperature and moisture. Ryegrasses, under optimal conditions, can be as short as seven to 10 days. Bluegrass varieties generally take a little longer than fescue/ryegrass, so around 21-30 days under optimal conditions. Connect with one of the most reliable hydroseeding companies for information about grass growth!

  • Is hydroseed better priced than sod?

    As one of the most dependable hydroseeding companies, we can safely say yes. In fact, according to This Old House, sod pallets cost about 70% more than hydroseeding.

  • Do I need to water? How much do I need to water after hydroseeding?

    This will be dependent on the natural rainfall. Typically, after hydroseeding, you'll want to keep the area moist/damp. Hydroseed doesn't require as much water in comparison to sod, but continual watering will help speed up germination and establish the newly planted seed. Being one of the most trustworthy hydroseeding companies in the area, connect with our team with your watering questions.

  • What is the best time (season) to hydroseed?

    Typically, in our area/climate, hydroseeding companies will recommend the beginning to mid-March to around the beginning to mid-May for spring seeding. We recommend the beginning to mid-August to around the beginning to mid-October for fall seeding. Soil temperatures and ambient air temperatures can play a factor in speeding up or hindering seed germination but, statistically, these dates are the preferred planting times for cool-season grasses.

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